Welcome to the POLST Illinois website. POLST is a state approved form that allows people with a serious illness to receive the medical treatments they want and avoid the ones they don’t want in a medical emergency. POLST Illinois is a committee of diverse health professionals that educates Illinoisans and healthcare providers about the POLST process and supports patient-centered decisions about care.

NEW - a self-guided video presentation of "The POLST Model for Healthcare Professionals." Please find a link to this valuable resource and other educational tools below.


You may be aware that legislation impacting the POLST form and guidance for using POLST in our state went into effect on 1/1/22. Public Act 102-0140 contains several changes that you will want to know about. We encourage you to take the time to look through the documents below for detailed information on the changes.

  • Quick Facts: This document can be used as a short guide for all healthcare providers. We encourage you to use this information for in-service trainings, staff meetings, etc.
  • Frequently Asked Questions for Healthcare Providers: The FAQ document can be used as a reference when healthcare providers have specific questions regarding the changes to the POLST program.
  • PDF Presentation: This PowerPoint can be used to give a detailed explanation of the POLST program changes for all healthcare providers. We encourage you to use this information as a compliment to the Quick Facts document for in-service trainings, staff meetings, etc.

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IL Health & Hospital Association Webinar - POLST: A Reboot for 2022

IHA has kindly provided access to an Illinois Health and Hospital Association webinar on POLST, given on Friday, April 15, 2022. Please use the recording password: 8MpyupR3 to access the presentation.

Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)

Ensuring that seriously ill people receive the treatments they want and avoid the treatments they do not want near the end of life.
The POLST decision-making process and resulting medical orders are intended for people of any age who are at risk for a life-threatening clinical event because they have a serious life-limiting medical condition, which may include advanced frailty.


Supporting the professionals and organizations that provide high quality healthcare to people facing serious illness


Assuring that every patient’s treatment wishes are honored in all healthcare settings


Helping healthcare professionals honor their patients end-of-life wishes with educational materials for ACP & POLST


Educating Illinois citizens about the POLST Model and how it benefits people approaching the end of life

Pediatric Advance Care Planning & POLST

Educating healthcare professionals and parents of seriously ill children about the need to prepare for the future while hoping for the best possible outcome.

Case Study Corner

A 90-year-old male arrives to the hospital with altered mental status. He is accompanied by his daughter, who is his healthcare power of attorney (POA) agent and is not able to make his own medical decisions. When in the emergency room, the provider inquires what her father’s wishes are regarding emergency care. The daughter responds that he would want the medical team to attempt to do CPR if his heart were to stop but that he has clearly expressed to her in the past that he would never want to be kept alive on machines, therefore, she would not want him intubated on a ventilator. How can healthcare providers uncover what goals of care are behind this request for treatment and assist the POA agent in her understanding about the anticipated outcome of CPR (with or without intubation) for her father before completing a valid POLST form?

The hospital admitted a 96-year-old male patient due to a fall. After a medical workup, the healthcare team determined that the patient had a nonoperative hip fracture. He then experienced a medical deterioration requiring intubation and did not have decision making capacity. His power of attorney for health care (POA) agent visited daily and a conversation occurred with the medical team about the patient’s health treatment preferences. The patient’s POA agent explained to the medical team the patient’s wishes were “extensively detailed in his advanced directive” and “everything was taken care of”. How can healthcare providers collaborate with the patient’s POA agent and additional supportive family members to make sure the patient’s code status reflects the wishes she states in her advanced directive and that she has a POLST form reflecting those preferences once she is medically ready for discharge to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation?

Baby Emma is 8 months old. She has a diagnosis of SMA Tyle 1, a severe neuromuscular disorder characterized by muscle weakness and respiratory failure. SMA Tyle 1 is known to significantly shorten life expectancy. Emma has been under specialized care since her diagnosis, receiving supportive treatments including respiratory support and nutritional management through a feeding tube. Emma is now admitted to the children’s hospital with respiratory failure. She is being supported with non-invasive mechanical ventilation. How can members of the hospital staff support Emma's parents as they consider completing a POLST form AND educate them about how to use it should a medical emergency arise when she returns home?

Download the POLST Form

The POLST form is available in English and several other languages. To ensure emergency personnel can understand and follow the orders, it is recommended that the POLST form be documented, signed and displayed in English. The non-English versions of the form have BOTH the English and the non-English translation on a double-sided 2-page form. The non-English sides are for educational/discussion purposes only.

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